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10 Types Of Recruitment Methods You Need To Know In 2022


10 Types Of Recruitment Methods You Need To Know In 2022

What Is The Internal Recruitment Method?

An internal recruitment process refers to the situation where you hire candidates from the existing workforce to fill the new job role. Whenever new positions occur, your HR team looks for a capable candidate to fill the vacant position.

This process is beneficial in various ways for companies. First, the HR department doesn’t need to make any effort to hire a candidate. You have already a list of candidates with their performance measures and skill sets. On the basis of their skills, you can simply find an efficient candidate.

On the other hand, it will motivate your employee because they are recruited for higher positions with better opportunities.

What Is The External Recruitment Method?

The external recruitment process means looking for a candidate outside the company you have never met before. This process is costlier and time consuming as compared to the internal process. When you are hiring a candidate externally, then it will give you a fresh perspective. Hiring a fresh talented individual has tremendous potential for your company.

10 Best Types Of Recruitment Methods In 2022

Finding the best candidate for the position needs a plan. With the proper plan, you can fill the vacant post within a period. We all wish for a great candidate that matches the job requirements. So, you have to choose the right kind of recruitment to attract the people suitable for the position.

Here we have compiled the list of various types of recruitment for you:

  • Transfers

Transfer means shifting an employee for the same job role with the same pay in another branch or region. Basically, the company send the employee to fulfil the workforce required at the other branch.

  • Promotions

In this process, the company find the employees internally to fill the vacant post or role. Promotion is the process when an employee is promoted with their job role, responsibilities, and increase in salary.

  • Re-hiring Process

Re-employment is an effective way to bring talented employees to your company. Basically, the HR department decided to call back ex-employees for the job role. It will be a plus point for your company because your ex-employee is well-versed with company culture, job role, responsibilities, and many other things.

  • Employee Reference

Mainly enterprises offer an employee referral program in their company. This program is the perfect combination of external and internal recruitment. The company will allow employees to refer the candidate they know for the vacant job post.

This program is considered a quick or cost-effective method where you can trust employee references.

  • Internships

Internships are known as short-term job roles for an entry-level candidate. The company hires interns who assist your company and work with various teams. During the internship, you can determine the potential of an intern. The well-managed internship program will help them to upgrade their skills for the future.

  • Hiring Advertisements

Print and electronic media are one of the best ways to advertise your company’s job post. You can post a job advertisement on career sites, job portals, or social media to find an appropriate candidate. However, you have to target the advertisement of your job in the right way. Otherwise, you will end up finding unsuitable applicants or few candidates.

  • Employment Exchange

Employment exchange is an initiative run by the government that keeps a record of unemployed persons. The motive of this job portal is to bring both potential employers and employees. First, employers post new vacancies in exchange for their requirements. Then, you will receive suggestions of suitable candidates for your job post.

  • Recruitment Agencies

You can choose the option of outsourcing the hiring process via recruitment agencies. These recruitment agencies are highly professional that manage your entire process. Hiring a Recruitment Agency in India could be costly, but it will free up your time so you can focus on other essential tasks. In addition, it is beneficial for those companies that don’t have any internal HR resources to fill the vacant post.

You can tell them your requirements for a candidate. It will aid them in finding the perfect candidate as per your requirements.

  • Talented Candidate Database

This database refers to the data of candidates that were not hired, but they are suitable to save. Whenever you are hiring for a new position, don’t forget to search your talent pool database. It will save you a lot of time and help you to find the right candidate. Search for candidates similar to the requirements and skills of the job post.

  • Campus Recruitment

Campus recruitment is also the best way to hire a candidate. It is the process where companies visit the educational institutions or campuses of graduate students. Then, they will conduct interviews on the campus to allocate the right candidate for the position.


There are various types of recruitment methods available to hire a candidate. But you can’t use the same process or method every time for your company hiring. So, you must carefully choose the method suitable for your hiring. There are two significant process-internal and external.

The internal recruitment process is cheap, efficient, and fast. On the other hand, the external recruitment process is exhausting and expensive, but you will find talented or skilled employees. You can select the type of method that suits your needs.

Many IT Recruitment Agencies in India provide you with professional assistance. If you are looking for one, Redback Consultancy is the leading Recruitment Company in India. With the help of experts, you can easily find the candidate for your company.


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